SEASONAL TOUR - Sea Turtle Nesting/Hatching
Price: $30 US per person for 1 - 3 people, for 4 and above $25 US per person, children under 12 free.
Guests staying with us or in local villas can sign up with us during their visit if they would like to see an adult turtle or hatchings. One of our surveyors will stay up all night looking for an opportunity along the beach below our house or the beach around the corner. If a turtle comes up to nest, the guests are awakened to come and witness it first hand! We wait until she starts laying and then move in to get a close up look (10 feet), being very careful not to disturb her. If we are witnessing a hatching nest we are generally less worried about frightening the hatchlings and concentrate more on deterring predators such as crabs, mongoose and herons.
TOUR # 1 - Community Beach (half day)
Leave in the afternoon by van from camp and head out for a look at the local fishing beaches. First is Billy’s Bay beach, where we look at the boats, talk to local people and learn all we can about the local fishing technics. While we are in the area we take time to hike up the Billy’s Bay Beach while discussing hawksbill sea turtle use of this particular beach, which is one of the turtle nesting beaches we have surveyed.
From there we go to the Calabash Bay fishing beach to look at a little bit different fishing style. We also walk up the beach here, looking at what has happened to the turtle nesting habitat in the more developed areas and discussing the habitat needs of these turtles.
Next we move on to Frenchman Beach for a little free time. This beach still has a few turtles coming back but this is also be free time for swimming or hiking up the beach and would be followed by dinner at a local community restaurant as a way of introduction to local runnings. After this we head home.
In the evening we can show your some informational film clips about fishing, as a way to set the stage for our trip to the fish sanctuary the next day if you chose to book this.
TOUR # 2 - Fish Sanctuary
About 8am – depart by boat from the beach below the house and head straight to the fishing village by the sanctuary. This is a fairly long trip but allows our guests to get a good look at our local shoreline. On arrival, we meet with the wardens and some of the fishers and discuss fisheries issues such as over fishing, the causes, effects and possible solutions. We also talk about other activities that are harmful to a wide variety of wildlife such as sea turtles, manatees, crocodiles, dolphins and birds.
Next there is a tour of the fish sanctuary and depending on the weather conditions, we might be able to do some snorkeling at the sanctuary and then take a walk along the beach. This is followed by a picnic lunch before heading back.
On the way back to home base we stop at the mouth of the Black River to talk about the big fishing boats that dock there and where they fit into Jamaican fisheries.
TOUR # 3 – Black River
Leave from the beach by boat at about 8.30am and head to the Black River, with stops along the way where we might see dolphins and discuss what we know about the local species.
We enter the river and travel upstream talking about crocodiles, what we know of their life history and get a good look at a few of them. We also visit some good birding areas and talk about the importance of mangroves and wetlands. Next we have a picnic lunch at Rudy’s. After this we head back down to the town of Black River where we have a short tour of the town and a visit to the open air market (both fish and produce). If there is time, we will stop briefly at the Pelican Bar on the way home for refreshment.
TOUR # 4 – Pedro Bluff and Great Bay
After taking a vehicle ride from camp to Great Bay, we hike out to the bluff head. We explore some geological data about the area as it is an unusual and beautiful area, where people and goats travel on well-worn paths. Once back on the beach, weather permitting, we get in kayaks and head out into Great Bay and along the sea edge of the bluff. After rounding the point we will paddle through an area where sea turtles are often seen in hopes of catching a glimpse of one.
We would also ask that everyone collect a bag of garbage, following the motto: “don’t teach your garbage to swim”! This is followed by a picnic lunch.
For prices and to book one or all of these tours please call Camar +1 876 304 7778 camargreen@yahoo.com